
High-tech spin-off from the Institute for Environmental Physics at Heidelberg University.


Real Driving Emissions

Plume Chasing RDE Service

We offer road emission measurements using the plume chasing method.

NOx immission studies

NOx immission studies

Planning and implementation of NOx immission studies.

Rental of measuring instruments

Rental of measuring instruments

Rent our mobile and easy-to-operate gas measurement instruments for your applications.


ICAD In situ NOx Monitor

ICAD NOx Analyzer

Precise and mobile NOx analyzer.

Available in different configurations matching your applications.

SkySpec - Passive Remote Sensing

SkySpec Analyzer

Vertical trace gas profiles and aerosol optical depth using passive scattered sunlight spectroscopy.

SkySpec Instruments provide data for passive remote sensing of atmospheric trace gases (e.g. NO2, HCHO, SO2, H2O etc).

The robust and compact design allows a wide range of applications with minimal effort.

Available in different versions: Compact, 1D, 2D.

Open Path - Active Remote Sensing

Open Path DOAS Analyzer

Active remote sensing using UV-VIS spectroscopy for measuring multiple trace gases species simultaneously.

Open Path instruments create a light path of up to several kilometers length to measure atmospheric trace gases (like NO2, SO2, O3, HCHO, HONO, H2O, BrO, IO) with high precision and time resolution.

Typical application are monitoring of emissions from traffic (e.g. at ship routes or highways), industrial facilities, as well as in scientific applications concerning atmospheric chemistry or ground-level validation of satellite remote sensing.


EU/Horizon2020: CARES - City Remote Emission Sensing

EU/Horizon2020: CARES - City Remote Emission Sensing

Further development and implementation of our "Plume Chasing" NO2/NOx measuring instrument as part of a worldwide consortium:


North America
Central and South America
Australia - Oceania


Airyx GmbH

Airyx GmbH
Justus-von-Liebig-Str. 14
69214 Eppelheim/Heidelberg

Airyx GmbH is responsible for the content of this company profile as well as the compliance with the copyrights of the image material.