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Frequently asked questions

about GreenTech BW

Questions and answers about GreenTech BW

Do you have questions about ‘green technologies’ and the GreenTech BW platform? You can find answers here!

The term “GreenTech” refers to technologies, solutions and services that implement and promote environmental, resource and climate protection.

This includes approaches to a climate-neutral and resource-efficient economy, a consistent circular economy, a circular and sustainable bioeconomy, climate-neutral value creation and the energy transition.

The GreenTech BW platform is aimed at stakeholders who implement, promote and offer environmental, resource and climate protection technologies and solutions on the market – in particular companies, start-ups, scientific institutions, networks and associations.

The aim is to network them with each other via the platform, increase their respective radius of action and boost their effectiveness. The further development and bundling of activities in the development and market launch of GreenTech solutions should ease and fasten the implementation for the companies.

In addition, the GreenTech BW brand is intended to bundle these activities and market them effectively on an international level.

None. The GreenTech BW Atlas and participation in events and all other offers are free of charge.

If you are from Baden-Württemberg, you can already register with the GreenTech BW Atlas and present your company. Otherwise, all users can discover the right technology for their project. The GreenTech BW platform is currently under construction and will be successively expanded. Stay tuned to find out more about our wide range of offers in the future!


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