On 19.09.2015, I was able to successfully complete my further training as a Resource Scout Baden-Württemberg at the Academy of Engineers.
Now I belong to the first generation of resource scouts in Baden-Württemberg, who can offer their services to SMEs - especially those in the skilled trades.
The Resource Scout is an initiative of the Baden-Württemberg Chamber of Commerce (BWHT) and is supported by the Ministry of the Environment in Baden-Württemberg and the L-Bank.
The Resource Scout Baden-Württemberg:
...."It offers companies expert and methodological support and helps small businesses in particular with tailored advice . ..
... "Cost reductions through water, material, waste and energy savings"...
... "To carry out now a future a sound advice and energy-saving alternatives in the areas, heating and water heating"... (Quotes from the homepage of the resource scouts)
You find exact and resuming information on the official side of the Ressourcenscout Baden-Wuerttemberg
--> www.ressourcenscout-
Through my further training as a resource scout, I am able to support you in applications for resource efficiency financing of the L-Bank program part B.
Potentials in your company have to be recognized, so that your company can be set up sustainably and future-proof.
I would be very pleased if you would approach me to make non-binding contact so that we can enter into a dialogue.
On 19 and 20.10.2015, I attended the two-day training course "Resource Efficiency I", of Umwelttechnik BW, with the speaker: Prof. Dr. Mario Schmidt, Institute for Industrial Ecology (INEC), Pforzheim University.
On 28.10.2015 I participated in the software training, for the program bw!sanky, of the Umwelttechnik Baden-Württemberg, in Sindelfingen. The program is used to visualize energy and material flow graphics and to clarify interrelationships in complex systems. The speaker was: Jürgen Römhild, Umwelttechnik BW, Project Manager Material Efficiency
On 30.11 and 01.12.2015 I did a 2-day software training of Umwelttechnik Baden-Württemberg on the program bw!MFCA 'Material Flow Cost Accounting or Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFKR).
The trainer was Prof. Dr. Mario Schmidt, Institute for Industrial Ecology (INEC), Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences
Please also visit my homepage, where I will continuously publish my current activities and subsequent qualifications.
Ferdinand Kuschnick
Resource scout Baden-Württemberg
"The beginning is half of the whole" Aristotle

Performance specification 1
InnoRess - Innovation- und RessourcenScouting
InnoRess - Innovation- und RessourcenScouting
Rechbergst. 41
73540 Heubach
InnoRess - Innovation- und RessourcenScouting is responsible for the content of this company profile as well as the compliance with the copyrights of the image material.