CS Instruments - Proven and innovative measuring technology for compressed air and gases
For years CS Instruments GmbH has been one of the worldwide leading manufacturers of measuring technology for the compressed air and gases. Long-term experience in production, supply and drying of compressed air is contributed to the research, the development and the production of portable and stationary measuring instruments.
This results in practicable measuring instruments for compressed air like e. g.: Dew point meter, Pressure dew point meter for refrigeration / adsorption dryers (according to ISO 8573), Compressed air counter, Consumption counter for compressed air and gases, Flow meter, Leakage measuring instrument, Leak detector, mobile analysis of compressed air stations.
Measurement of compressed air consumption can help reducing energy costs
Each factory needs compressed air, however, often it is not realized that compressed air is one of the most expensive types of energy. Therefore, the intelligent use of compressed air holds an enormous potential for saving energy. In most cases the user mainly concentrates on the production, i. e. on the compressors. In order to save energy very often new compressors, control systems or heat recovery systems are installed.
Energy analysis – flow measurement - leakage calculation
DS 500 mobile – energy analysis according to DIN EN. 16001.
If we talk about operational costs of compressed air plants we are actually talking about the energy costs as they make up about 70 to 80 % of the total costs of a compressed air plant. Depending on the size of the plant this means considerable operating costs. Even in smaller plants this may quickly add up to 10 000 to 20 000 € per year. This is an amount which can be considerably reduced - even in case of well operated and maintained plants. For sure this also applies to your compressed air plant! Which actual costs per generated m³ air do you actually have? Which energy is gained due to the waste heat recovery? What is the total performance balance of your plant?
CS Instruments GmbH & Co. KG
CS Instruments GmbH & Co. KG
Zindelsteiner Straße 15
78052 VS-Tannheim
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