Land development management, technical environmental protection, urban and regional development, funding programs and projects
In addition to dealing with the content of the above-mentioned topics, our team has a broad range of expertise in the areas of funding acquisition, project management, communication of R&D results and the organization of specialist events. Our range of experience includes the establishment of international networks, management and leadership of international project groups, application for and accounting of EU funding as well as supervision of EU projects.
With the expert activities of Dr. Ertel we offer our specific expertise in technical questions concerning soil and groundwater contamination as well as land recycling.

Project Management

Project control and project promotion
Interdisciplinary work is our daily business and as project managers we put special emphasis on the cooperation between private actors and representatives of public authorities or public organizations.
Since 2000, our team has gained extensive experience in national and international project management in a wide range of European funding programs - as a regular project partner, lead partner or external project coordinator.
Technical services

We advise you in all questions of investigation, evaluation and remediation of soil and groundwater contamination.
The focal points of our work are:
- Property valuation and due diligence
- External consulting during sales negotiations
- Assignment of polluter and age dating in groundwater damage cases
- Investigations into the after-use and conversion of landfills
Last but not least, our knowledge in specialized fields often provides the decisive solution even in difficult situations. Our involvement in various research and development programs enables us to provide state-of-the-art technical know-how.
Dr. Thomas Ertel is a publicly appointed and sworn expert by the Stuttgart Region Chamber of Industry and Commerce for exploration, risk assessment and remediation of landfills, contaminated sites and groundwater contamination.
Main areas of expertise for courts so far have been:
- Technical and financial aspects of landfill remediation
- Remediation requirements and costs for soil and groundwater contaminations
- Selection of polluters and allocation of polluters by means of fingerprinting investigations and isotope signatures
Cluster Management

Successful cluster management takes into account the interests of its members and offers them a sustainable framework for action.
Key activities are:
- Creating the framework conditions and platforms for the individual cluster players to build mutual trust and regularly exchange ideas to promote innovation
- Identification of strengths and differential competencies, integration into the range of services and high-profile marketing
- Joint definition of objectives with the cluster players and development of a forward-looking strategy taking into account developments, trends and market opportunities
- Identification and initiation of joint activities, as well as implementation, control and coordination under permanent monitoring
Clusters are living organizations and consist of every single member. Successful cluster management takes this into account, because the whole is more than the sum of its parts.
Technical services

Chief expert activity Conciliation proceedings at the International Chamber of Commerce
The subject of negotiation is the allocation of causation in the case of contamination of soil and groundwater at 2 sites of large chemical factories, both of which have been in operation for over 100 years. The extensive contamination is significant and it spreads in the groundwater for kilometers in the downstream direction. Several groundwater levels are affected at once. The main contaminants are chlorinated hydrocarbon sols, chromium, lead organic compounds and mercury.
Our services include top-assessment activities on the development of the contamination, on contaminant dispersion and transport, remediation, as well as on the causation of the various sources of damage.
Former gas works Gaisburg, monitoring of groundwater discharge, since 2008
Since 2008, we have been supervising the regular monitoring of groundwater quality and water levels in the inflow and outflow of the remediation field at the site of the former Gaisburg gas plant. Based on the evaluations, we observe the spatial pollutant distribution / length of the pollutant plumes in their temporal development and assess the success of the remediation. Furthermore, the measurements are used to check the function of the cut-off wall installed for hydraulic protection.
Project management & project promotion

ERFLS - European Rail Freight Line System
The project "European Rail Freight Line System", ERFLS for short, aims to improve the accessibility of rail transport and the integration of rail transport into innovative multimodal transport chains in the European core network corridor Rhine-Alps, especially in combined transport. This is to be achieved by introducing freight trains in ICE-like operation with several short stops at so-called "smart hubs". We support the international project consortium as external project and financial manager.
Funding program: Connecting Europe Facility
Duration: 2016-2018
RAISE-IT - Rhine-Alpine Integrated and Seamless Travel Chain
The project addresses the integration of high-speed transport along the Rhine-Alpine corridor through multi-level accessibility. The basic assumption is that improving average travel time by integrating high-speed traffic at multiple levels - at nodes, with regional traffic, and across borders between nodes - will do more to improve accessibility along the corridor than simply achieving maximum speed.
Our team supported the project consortium in the project development and the successful submission of the funding application.
Funding Program: Connecting Europe Facility
Duration: 2016-2019
Cluster Management

bwe - management of the engineering network bw-engineers
For the cluster initiative of engineering companies in Baden-Württemberg, bw-engineers, we have been acting as office and cluster manager since summer 2012. bw-engineers bundles planning offices of different sizes and specialties in order to appear together under one name on foreign markets. The network now comprises more than 1,500 planners and engineers and has so far been active primarily in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with great success. In the meantime, the engineers from Baden-Württemberg are opening up almost the entire Gulf region.
The office with Dr. Thomas Ertel as managing director coordinates and is responsible for all operational activities in the target countries as well as the expansion of the networks. As cluster manager, he drives the further development of the cluster initiative in order to open up further opportunities and development possibilities in international business for interested medium-sized offices.
Office for the Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC, since 2016
Since 2016, we have been looking after the Interregional Alliance for the Rhine-Alpine Corridor EGTC as an external office and are also responsible for the strategic and operational coordination of this international network. Here, it is important for us to find the right mix of a serving and a leading function for the network. On the one hand, it is important to be there for the members as a reliable service provider. On the other hand, it is often necessary to take the initiative and, in difficult situations, to show the way and, if necessary, to set the direction together with the board of directors. We base our actions on this.
et environment and technology
et environment and technology
Magdeburgerstrasse 29
73730 Esslingen
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