abluftconsulting stooss - your independent consultant and planner for customized exhaust air purification systems
With almost 20 years of experience in the planning and implementation of exhaust air purification plants, abluftconsulting stooss as an independent consultant supports companies from the very beginning to implement the optimal solution for the respective task in the field of innovative exhaust air technology, plant reliability and safe compliance with clean gas limits. Each project is individually tailored to the respective framework conditions right from the start. In this way, we ensure that the optimum technical and economic solution can always be realized for you.
We provide market-neutral advice and design plant solutions for exhaust air purification for:
- all exhaust air volume flows from <100 bis >100,000 m³/h
- all organic and inorganic exhaust air pollutants
- all industrial branches and sectors
- all plant processes and also their combinations
- all budget volumes from <50.000 bis >1.000.000 €
The requirements of our customers are manifold. So are our possibilities.
Performance specification 1
abluftconsulting stooss
abluftconsulting stooss
Steigstr. 48
72820 Sonnenbühl
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