
KBR supports its customers with innovative and durable products for operational energy management. Our customers appreciate our attractiveness as a reliable partner and benefit from our more than 45 years of experience as a system house. We manage power peaks, reactive energy, energy data and power quality.

This results in sustainable energy cost savings and additionally increases operational reliability!

We pay special attention to our self-developed energy data management. The high-precision analysis software is certified by TÜV Süd for sustainable energy management according to ISO 50001 and has a particularly high plausibility and consistency of the energy data as a unique selling point.

KBR supports its customers with innovative and durable products for operational energy management.


The visual energy 5-star service

visual energy Service

A multiple plus in service

The spectrum of our services covers everything needed for a successful Mission Energy. Our product advisory service is available to you at all times with a personal contact person. Of course also at your site. Our technical support will answer all your technical questions and show you how to use visual energy as quickly and effectively as possible. Training courses and workshops as well as a comprehensive online media library with many videos and documentations round off our range of services.

All 5-star services in detail


Energy management software visual energy 5

visual energy 5

visual energy 5 gives you full control over your operational energy management. Individual dashboards, standard-compliant evaluations or live analyses show you the full potential of your energy data. With just a few clicks, you can identify weak points and exploit savings potential for maximum energy efficiency.
In addition to TÜV certification for ISO50001, visual energy 5 is also BAFA eligible.

For more information about our energy management software, please visit:

For more information and application possibilities, please visit our YouTube channel:

Energy meters multimess

multimess series

The multimess energy meters record all important electrical variables and provide a comprehensive overview of the energy flows. The intuitive user menu simplifies operation. The instantaneous and long-term values of the bus-compatible multimess devices can be conveniently evaluated and monitored with the web-based visual energy analysis software. The measured values of the power quality can also be used to detect possible faults at an early stage before they cause damage.

Further information about our measurement technology can be found at:

Energy optimization system multimax


Energy costs for power supply cannot be prevented, but they can be significantly reduced by reducing the purchase power or reaching the atypical grid usage or the individual grid charge.
The energy optimization system multimax monitors, controls and optimizes the energy purchasing behavior of power consumers. In doing so, the optimization of the operating process takes place with consideration of consumer characteristics and energy supply conditions.

Further information can be found at:


Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG | Künzelsau

Adolf Würth GmbH & Co. KG

Perfect companion for recording and evaluating the consumers at the site.

We have been using the measuring devices from KBR and visual energy for many years to record and evaluate the consumers in our power grid.
Most recently, we implemented the third-party quantity delimitation at our site together with KBR and are very satisfied with the possibilities offered by the measuring devices.
Especially due to the many functions of visual energy, we can create complex evaluations and have a strong partner for energy monitoring at our side.



Perfect toolbox for energy managers.

visual energy provides energy managers with a toolbox with which they can meet all their requirements efficiently and effectively
efficiently and effectively. visual energy is a holistic approach to energy data management.
Software and hardware are optimally coordinated and it is possible at any time to create or adapt all measuring points, evaluations and assessments within a very short time.





Gewerbestr. 6
79256 Buchenbach-Himmelreich

KBR GmbH is responsible for the content of this company profile as well as the compliance with the copyrights of the image material.