
Ventilation / air conditioning / air purification / process air filtration / heat recovery

Belüftung / Klimatisierung / Luftreinigung / Prozessluftfiltration / Wärmerückgewinnung / Retrofit


Ventilation and air conditioning for your production halls and warehouses.

AIRnorm GmbH develops and implements sustainable concepts for the ventilation and air conditioning of industrial production halls and warehouses.

For example, by using two-stage adiabatic cooling technology, energy savings of up to 80% can be achieved compared to conventional technology. This enables economical and environmentally friendly ventilation and air conditioning of your production hall and warehouse.

Exhaust air filtration for your production processes

AIRnorm GmbH develops and implements efficient collection and filter systems for the pollutants generated by a wide range of manufacturing processes in your production.

Retrofit Upgrade Ihrer bestehenden Lüftungsanlage

Die AIRnorm GmbH analysiert das Optimierungspotenzial Ihrer bestehenden Lüftungsanlage. Beispielsweise ergibt sich durch den Austausch bestehender Ventilatoren durch modernste EC-Ventilatoren die Möglichkeit zur Energieeinsparung von bis zu 70%. Diese Maßnahme amortisiert sich zumeist innerhalb 2-4 Jahren.


Systems for sustainable indoor climate control with two-stage adiabatic cooling technology

Systems for cleaning polluted industrial hall air

Anlagen zur Reinigung schadstoffbelasteter industrieller Hallenluft

EC-Ventilatoren und EC-FanGrids




AIRnorm GmbH

AIRnorm GmbH
78234 Engen

AIRnorm GmbH is responsible for the content of this company profile as well as the compliance with the copyrights of the image material.