carbonauten develops products based on biocarbons. These biocarbons bind and store up to 3.7 tons of CO2 per ton of biocarbon.
carbonauten has a highly efficient and industrial carbonization technology that enables us to create a new category of materials: NET Materials® (Negative Emission Materials), which are CO2-negative products for the plastics and agricultural industries. carbonauten can offer these materials in large quantities at low prices to make decarbonization affordable for the industry. This will help the industry to reduce CO2 emissions in the order of several gigatons, especially in sector 3, at low cost.
By 2032, carbonauten will produce more than 1 million tons of biocarbons and more than 300,000 tons of biocarbon-based masterbatches for the polymer industry, as well as more than 1.8 million tons of carbon removal certificates for the voluntary market. This will lead to a turnover of more than EUR 2 billion by 2032.

CO2-negative composites with improved properties and at low prices

The business development of carbonauten will take place in several phases. The profit margins and dependence on biomass prices in the polymer sector are much higher than in the agricultural sector, as the market in the agricultural sector is much larger.
Phase 1 until 2028: Focus on the polymer market: the development of customized products is faster and the profit margins per ton of product are almost twice as high as in the agricultural market (> 900 € / t compared to > 450 € / t). In addition, the share of biomass costs is only half as high, which makes polymers much more resistant to biomass price increases. The production of polymers filled with biocarbons in industrial quantities at low prices is technologically demanding, so that no significant competition is to be expected in the medium term.
carbonauten polymers: CO2-negative composites with improved properties and at low prices

Black is the new green

In addition to the excellent properties of the CO2-negative granules, which are easy to process in conventional processes, and the low price, customers are given a differentiation through the sustainability story with physically measurable values for the storage of CO2, the replacement of fossil raw materials and the avoidance of further greenhouse gases.
carbonauten GmbH
carbonauten GmbH
Riedstraße 40 / 1
89537 Giengen
More locations
minus CO2 factory 001, Werk Eberswalde
carbonauten GmbH is responsible for the content of this company profile as well as the compliance with the copyrights of the image material.