SenerTec-Center Engen GmbH


The Dachs from SenerTec generates heat and electricity at the same time. The proven concept of combined heat and power stands for economical, ecological and decentralized energy generation that makes people less dependent on local energy suppliers.

The Dachs is a micro-CHP system which, because of its compact size, is a sensible alternative to the separate generation of electricity in a large power plant and heat in a boiler for comfortable homes and commercial enterprises alike. To date, over 33,000 SenerTec Badgers are in operation.

As an energy system that is ready for series production and has been tested many times, the Dachs is an energy alternative for builders and homeowners that meets the highest standards of cost-effectiveness, innovative technology and environmental protection .

The Dachs InnoGen from SenerTec: Producing electricity and heat simultaneously at the point of consumption - this clever principle was previously reserved for buildings with a correspondingly high heat demand. With the Dachs InnoGen, combined heat and power (CHP) is now also attractive for modern and modernized homes. This is made possible by our innovative fuel cell technology. It combines heat and domestic hot water comfort with a high electricity yield.


The Badger "The Original" - The 5 kW Class

Together with the storage tank and the hot water module, the Dachs forms a supply center for heating and hot water. It charges the storage tank up to a specified temperature and provides the energy for heating and hot water. If the storage tank has been discharged to a specified temperature, the Dachs switches on again and recharges the storage tank. A part of the storage tank always remains reserved for hot water production. The heating system cannot withdraw this part, thus guaranteeing priority for hot water preparation when required. The hot water module mounted directly on the storage tank supplies hot water of 50 °C when tapped.

Performance data:

Electrical power: 5.0 - 5.5 kW*

Thermal power: 11.7 - 14.8 kW*

Thermal power with heating element:17.2 - 20.3 kW*

Fuel: Natural gas, LPG, fuel oil, RME

Noise emission: Less than 45dB (A)

*depending on fuel type / subject to change and errors excepted

The Micro Class. With fuel cell.

The combined generation of electricity and heat (CHP) offers significant efficiency advantages, but until now required a correspondingly high demand for thermal energy. Thanks to fuel cell technology, the proven principle of cogeneration is now becoming attractive for newly built and modernized detached and semi-detached houses. The Dachs InnoGen is designed to supply energy efficiently to modern detached and semi-detached houses.the system components include a polymer electrolyte fuel cell heater, an auxiliary heater with condensing technology, a 300-liter buffer storage tank, a hydraulic module with up to two controlled heating circuits and a domestic hot water station, and an energy manager with touchscreen.

Performance data:

Net electrical output: 700 W

Thermal power: 960 W

Fuel: Natural gas type E and LL, bio natural gas

Electrical efficiency (Hi): > 35 %

Thermal efficiency: 56

Fuel cell module Polymer electrolyte (PEM)

The 1 kW class. With Stirling engine.

With a thermal output of 5.8 kW and an electrical output of 1 kW, the Dachs Stirling SE electricity-generating heater is ideal for supplying energy to single-family homes with low heat demand. Temporary peaks in heat demand are covered by an additional 18 kW burner integrated in the unit. The electricity generated with micro-CHP technology is used in the house and the surplus is fed into the public supply grid in return for a feed-in tariff.

Performance data:

Electrical power: max. 1 kW

Electrical connection: 230 V / 50 Hz

Thermal power: 3 - 5,8 kW*

Thermal power of additional burner: max. 18 kW*

Fuel: natural gas, liquid gas (propane) or bio-methane

Flue gas connection: room air dependent / room air independent operation

Noise emission: less than 45dB (A)

*depending on return temperature / subject to change and errors excepted


Reference project 1




SenerTec-Center Engen GmbH

SenerTec-Center Engen GmbH
Gerwigstr. 8
78234 Engen

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