Tomorrows Business GmbH




Sustainable corporate strategy and responsible corporate governance

We like to translate sustainability as future viability. Managing sustainably means being successful today but, above all, also creating the foundations to be able to do so tomorrow. Existing sustainability concepts are often well developed but usually insufficiently anchored in the management processes of a company. We firmly believe that sustainability must become a core value of a company in order to ensure its long-term success.

Our approach is to identify all relevant sustainability issues for a company. In doing so, we initially follow established guidelines such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) or the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and systematically supplement these with areas such as human resources management and development. There is often a debate about what is really "new" about sustainability issues. And it is true that much of it is known and proven. However, much more information about products and production processes is available today than was the case years ago. This information is also relatively easy and quick to make available. In addition, it is now generally accepted that life cycle considerations are indispensable for products. This means that in order to be able to really assess a product, the entire life cycle must always be analyzed. In the case of a product, this ranges from the idea, design, extraction and provision of all the raw and valuable materials required for it, through production and the use phase, to recycling and disposal.

It is always important to bear in mind that sustainability can only be achieved if a reasonable balance is actually struck between economic, ecological and social demands. Otherwise, long-term success, especially economic success, is not possible.

Once the sustainability issues relevant to the company in question have been identified, we integrate them - wherever possible - into the following core areas and core processes of the company:

  • Corporate strategy
  • Employees and management
  • Finance
  • Products and services

And this is because sustainability is not a separate corporate area and certainly not a "green add-on," but an elementary component of a company that wants to be or become fit for the future.


To successfully shape the future of a company, it is necessary to address in good time issues such as the establishment and expansion of promising business areas, the modernization and supplementation of machinery required for this, energy and resource efficiency, environmental protection, product and service innovations, and personnel development programs. All these issues have one thing in common: the need for investment.

Public funding at regional, federal or EU level is available to partially finance many investment projects. However, the funding landscape is difficult to navigate complex and funding guidelines are constantly changing. Therefore, only a few companies know in detail all the possibilities for funding their planned investment and innovation projects.

And this is where we come in: Based on many years of project experience, our subsidy consultants identify the appropriate subsidy programs - from non-repayable subsidies and low-interest subsidy loans to public company participations at favorable conditions and default guarantees as a means of reducing the risk for the house banks. And, of course, we provide support not only in identifying the optimal subsidy programs, but also in applying for and administering the subsidies.


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Tomorrows Business GmbH

Tomorrows Business GmbH
Renzwiesen 6
70327 Stuttgart

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