
KOPF SynGas GmbH & Co. KG


SÜLZLE KOPF SynGas technology is a thermal sewage sludge utilization process for generating a combustible synthesis gas that can be flexibly utilized for energy:

  • Fuel Gas Module: Integration of the SÜLZLE KOPF SynGas technology into an existing infrastructure for the utilization of the synthesis gas as substitute fuel (e.g. cement production, power plants, waste incineration plants)
  • Heat / CHP module: Generation of heat and electricity for decentralized and energy-neutral sewage sludge utilization directly on the sewage treatment plant site (municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants)
  • Phosphorus recovery from sewage sludge ash to meet legal requirements
SynGas Engineers


Project management

We offer you the complete scope of services for your project handling:

  • Concept development and feasibility
  • Preliminary planning, approval and detailed planning
  • Turnkey delivery, installation and commissioning of the entire plant as general contractor
  • Plant optimization and support
  • Maintenance and operation

Through our sister companies in the SÜLZLE Group and AVAT Automation we also offer:

  • Sludge thickening, dewatering and drying
  • Tank and pipeline construction
  • Building and ventilation technology
  • Steel construction
  • Reinforcing steel
  • Automation technology

Phosphorus recovery

The ash produced in the KOPF SynGas process contains a high concentration of the nutrient phosphorus. Phosphorus is an elementary and vital component of all natural organisms and is thus directly responsible for bone and plant growth, for example. Due to limited and dwindling reserves worldwide, a return of phosphorus into the natural material cycle is indispensable. In the Kopf SynGas process, this is made possible by using the ash as a natural raw material for mineral fertilizers.

For more information, see: Phosphorus Recovery from SynGas Ash - Kopf SynGas (


The SynGas fuel gas module

The SynGas fuel gas module

For industrial firing processes (e.g. cement and lime industry, waste incineration, combined heat and power plants, paper industry)

  • Ensures the use of sewage sludge as a substitute fuel
  • Compliance with the obligation to recover phosphorus from 2029 onwards through separate material flows in the co-incineration process
  • Generation of an ignitable gas from sewage sludge as an alternative to fossil fuels
  • Flue gas cleaning by existing infrastructure, thus significantly lower investment costs
  • Sewage sludge drying by waste heat from the power plant
  • Proven head SynGas core technology of gas generation in fluidized bed

For further information please visit: SynGas Fuelgas Module - Kopf SynGas (

The SynGas heat module

The SynGas heat module

Heat generation for the operation of a sewage sludge dryer - the ideal solution for municipal and private sewage treatment plants

Heat generation for feeding into an existing heat network (district heating / local heating / process heat)

  • Compact plant layout
  • Optimized for the operation of a sewage sludge dryer
  • Complete utilization of thermal energy
  • Flexible two-stage combustion process

For further information please visit: SynGas Heat Module - Kopf SynGas (

The SynGas CHP module

The SynGas CHP module

Generation of electricity for own use or grid feeding

  • Utilization of the resulting heat
  • Utilization of the high efficiencies of CHP units
  • Patented technology
  • Compact exhaust gas cleaning due to small air mass flow during gas generation
  • Technological contribution to an energy self-sufficient wastewater treatment plant

Further information can be found at: SynGas CHP Module - Kopf SynGas (


Reference plant Koblenz sewage treatment plant

Reference plant Koblenz sewage treatment plant

Reference project Koblenz

On the site of the wastewater treatment plant of Stadtentwässerung Koblenz, our latest and most modern recycling plant was built as part of the EU-funded project "SusTreat". The commissioning and acceptance of the plant took place in summer 2020. The plant is a SynGas BKW module for highly efficient power generation from dried sewage sludge.

for further information please visit our website: SynGas Sewage Plant in Koblenz - Kopf SynGas (

The EU project: SUSTREAT:

With the commissioning of this plant, the last stage of the innovative sewage sludge treatment concept in the EU project "SusTreat" was completed. This lighthouse project is to be used for the large-scale demonstration of this new solution approach for the complete development and utilization of the energy potential inherent in wastewater and sewage sludge in municipal wastewater treatment plants. Individual module solutions that make optimum use of internally available energy flows will be intelligently combined. Digester gas from sewage sludge is already frequently used as a CO2-neutral energy source in CHP units. However, the energy obtained in the sewage sludge has not yet been fully tapped for utilization

Thanks to the innovative sewage sludge treatment solution from KOPF SynGas and SÜLZLE KLEIN, wastewater at the Koblenz wastewater treatment plant is treated with energy obtained from the waste product of the treatment process.

Reference Project Wastewater Treatment Plant Mannheim

Reference Project Wastewater Treatment Plant Mannheim

Reference project Mannheim

The sewage sludge recycling plant at the wastewater treatment plant of Stadtentwässerung Mannheim was built in 2010 and put into operation in 2011. The process is largely based on that of the pilot plant in Balingen, which has been in operation since 2001.

However, the plant's capacity of 5,000 t/a TS is more than twice as high as that in Balingen. This is about half of the sludge produced annually by the wastewater treatment plant, which is designed for 725,000 p.e. and treats about 35,000,000 m³ of wastewater annually.

The synthesis gas generated from the fluidized bed reactor is fed after a treatment stage to the firing system of the drum dryer installed in the neighboring building for sludge drying.

Further information can be found at: SynGas Sewage Plant in Mannheim - Kopf SynGas (

The plant is currently not in operation.

Reference project Balingen wastewater treatment plant

Reference project Balingen wastewater treatment plant

Reference project Balingen

The SynGas plant in Balingen is our first plant. It was initially built in 2002 for approx. 1,000 t/a TS. At that time, the syngas was mixed with the digester gas from the sludge digestion and burned in the digester gas CHP plant. In 2010, additional municipalities joined the special purpose association and the sewage sludge utilization plant was enlarged to a capacity of approx. 2,000 t/a of dry sludge.

At the same time, the solar dryer operated until then was replaced by a mechanical belt dryer. In order to cover the heat consumption of the sewage sludge dryer, the syngas utilization was changed to a pure thermal utilization in the same course.

Further information can be found at: SynGas Sewage Plant in Balingen - Kopf SynGas (


Czech Republic
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KOPF SynGas GmbH & Co. KG

KOPF SynGas GmbH & Co. KG
Derendinger Str. 40
72072 Tübingen

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Firmen- und Rechnungsanschrift: Stützenstraße 6, 72172 Sulz am Neckar

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