Nachhaltige Technologien und Innovationen, vereint unter dem Leitgedanken von GreenTech

GreenTech BW

The Platform for Future-Proof Technologies and a Sustainable Economy

Pooling expertise. Driving innovation. Growing together

We are the central hub for all stakeholders in the field of green technologies:

  • companies,
  • start-ups,
  • research institutions,
  • ministries,
  • associations and other multipliers.

Green technologies encompass a wide range of approaches, services, and solutions aimed at using resources more efficiently, making production processes more environmentally friendly, and protecting our environment and climate.

From renewable energies such as solar and wind power to smart waste and wastewater management and the utilization of waste heat – the possibilities are nearly limitless!

Together, we accelerate the national and international implementation of GreenTech projects, making Baden-Württemberg a long-term center of excellence – for an economy that is both economically and ecologically future-proof.



Winfried Kretschmann

„Ecology and economy go hand in hand. Environmentally and climate-friendly technologies are the business model of the future."

Winfried Kretschmann Ministerpräsident Baden-Württemberg

Your advantages at a glance

  • Bundled expertise: all relevant players and offers in one place
  • Networking and exchange between business, science and politics
  • Bundling of current information on topics such as funding opportunities or studies
  • Workshops, training courses, networking events: see our programme for yourself
  • Trade fairs and events: present yourself on a national and international level

Lead markets and market segments

Kläranlagen: Wasserwirtschaft
Water management
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Water extraction and preparation
  • Water network

Find matching technologies now in our GreenTech BW Atlas.

Luftverschmutzung: Luftreinhaltung
Air pollution control
  • Filter technology and exhaust air purification systems
  • Catalytic converters
  • Measurement, control and regulation technology for exhaust air

Find the technologies that suit your needs in our GreenTech BW Atlas.

Container von oben: Kreislaufwirtschaft
Recycling management
  • Waste disposal
  • Waste collection and transport
  • Waste separation and reuse

Find the technologies that suit your needs in our GreenTech BW Atlas.

Solarpanele von oben: Energieerzeugung
Energy generation, distribution and storage
  • Electrification in industry
  • Renewable energies
  • Intelligent energy systems and networks
  • Storage technologies

Overarching research, development and consulting in the energy sector

Strommast im Wald
Energy efficiency
  • Energy-efficient buildings
  • Cross-sectional technology for industry and commerce
  • Efficient distribution networks

Find the technologies that suit your needs in our GreenTech BW Atlas.

Materialien und Rohstoffe
Resource and material efficiency
  • Cross-sectional technologies
  • Circular and material-efficient production processes

Find the technologies that suit your needs in our GreenTech BW Atlas.


Fabrikgebäude von oben
Climate protection
  • Carbon Management Technologies
  • Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU)
  • Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)

Find the technologies that suit your needs in our GreenTech BW Atlas.

Circular bioeconomy
  • Waste water as a resource
  • Waste as a resource
  • Emissions as a resource

Find the technologies that suit your needs in our GreenTech BW Atlas.


Shape a green future with us

Be an early adopter

Are you looking for innovative products or services in the field of environmental technology? Find the provider that suits you: over 350 companies from Baden-Württemberg have already registered.



Neuigkeiten aus der GreenTech Branche

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Do you have further questions or suggestions? Then please contact Birte Boysen.