
DO Climate GmbH


DO Climate was founded 4 years ago in Tübingen to support medium-sized companies in the region in setting the course for effective climate and sustainability management and making their core business fit for the future. With many years of experience in greenhouse gas balancing, several successfully implemented GHG transformation plans and a variety of different workshop formats on, for example, climate and sustainability, awareness raising, climate-related opportunity and risk analysis, reporting, etc., we are happy to share our expertise with you.

DO Climate provides you with everything you need to make sensible decisions in climate and sustainability management and actively implement them.


Greenhouse gas transformation plan & corporate climate strategy

Product sheet on the greenhouse gas transformation plan

The overarching goal is to align companies in a structured way towards climate-neutral business.

As part of the project, a transformation plan will be developed for your company that includes a concrete roadmap for implementing a climate strategy in your company. Your company's climate strategy will be aligned with the specifications of science-based climate targets and include a concrete avoidance and reduction plan for the climate targets.

The transformation plan includes by default

- the creation or update of your corporate carbon footprint at the site

- a company-specific GHG neutrality target, which must be achieved by 2045 at the latest

- a concrete interim GHG target for a year that is at least ten years in the future (target state)

- an action plan for achieving the interim target, i.e. an avoidance and reduction roadmap for the period up to the interim target

- anchoring the transformation plan in the company structure.

The transformation plan also optionally includes

-a climate-related opportunity and risk analysis including an assessment

-a comparison of alternative options for action (reduction and avoidance potentials)

- Climate adaptation measures

Transformation plan - DO Climate (

Corporate carbon footprint

Product sheet on the Corporate Carbon Footprint

The corporate carbon footprint, or CCF for short, is used to analyze the climate impact of company-related processes. It considers both direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, e.g. from the vehicle fleet or production, as well as indirect emissions from purchased electricity, heat, cooling or steam and other sources such as business trips, logistics or purchased goods and services.

The corporate carbon footprint considers the relevant GHG emission sources along the entire value chain - a significant added value compared to energy management,

  • offers a structured approach to climate protection,
  • can be expanded in stages, starting with direct emissions and indirect energy-related
    energy-related emissions through to all relevant upstream and downstream emissions,
  • helps to identify inefficient processes and promotes innovation by
    Broadening the field of vision,
  • forms the quantified basis of a corporate climate strategy, on the basis of which
    corporate climate protection targets can be formulated and continuously monitored,
  • is fundamental for investments in climate neutrality and

is the backbone of corporate climate reporting.

CO2 balance for companies - DO Climate (

Product Carbon Footprint

Product sheet on the product carbon footprint

Creation of a product carbon footprint according to ISO 14067

Creation of a product carbon footprint tool for a product group

Customer training on the creation and use of product carbon footprints

CO2 balance for companies - DO Climate (

Scope 3 accounting - climate management along the value chain

Product sheet for Scope 3 balancing - climate management along the value chain

Extension of the GHG balance to the upstream and downstream value chain

Determination of GHG emission factors for the upstream value chain

Climate management along the value chain


Product overview DO Climate




DO Climate GmbH

DO Climate GmbH
Nürtinger Str. 30
72074 Tübingen

DO Climate GmbH is responsible for the content of this company profile as well as the compliance with the copyrights of the image material.