Festo is both a global player and an independent family-owned company with its headquarters in Esslingen am Neckar, Germany. The company supplies pneumatic and electrical automation technology to 300,000 customers of factory and process automation and offers a unique range of technical training and comprehensive digital and physical learning solutions in an industrial environment.
Festo has been setting standards in industrial automation technology and technical education since its inception, thereby contributing to the sustainable development of the environment, economy and society. The company supplies pneumatic and electrical automation technology for 300,000 customers in factory and process automation in over 35 industries. Products and services are available in 176 countries around the world. Around 20,000 employees worldwide in 61 countries with over 250 branches generated sales of around € 2.84 billion in 2020. Around 8% of this is invested in research and development every year. In the learning company, the share of training and further education measures is 1.5% of sales. Festo Didactic SE is a leading provider of technical training and further education and offers its customers worldwide comprehensive digital and physical learning solutions in an industrial environment.
Energy Saving Services

The sparing use of energy is one of the biggest tasks of our time. We thereby meet the challenges of climate change head on and, in doing so, help our customers to make their production fit for the future and to be economical and responsible with increasingly tighter resources. At Festo, developing innovative solutions for the more efficient use of energy has been a major concern to us for many years.
The Festo Energy Saving Services offer a tailored programme for determining potential savings and exploiting them as best as possible.
Festo - Partner for water technology
Whether for municipal or industrial water treatment and sewage treatment: Festo offers individual automation solutions from concept creation to smooth operation. Powerful, economical and reliable solutions from a single source. Ranging from actuator technology to the field level, as individual components or a preassembled system, altogether more intelligent automation.
Industrial automation of potable, and wastewater treatment plants ensures customers have access to this high-quality resource whenever it is needed. Pneumatics presents a valuable and extremely reliable alternative to electrical automation systems, especially when it comes to meeting the requirements of water and wastewater treatment. Pneumatics, one of the indispensable core technologies for automation, has the additional advantages of robustness and cost-effective system solutions.
Festo SE & Co. KG
Festo SE & Co. KG
Ruiter Straße 82
73734 Esslingen
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