BEMA GmbH Regionalbüro Rhein-Neckar-Odenwald


We are BEMA Verpackungsabfall GmbH with headquarters in Niefern-Öschelbronn u. Regional offices in Baden-Württemberg, Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia, Hamburg and the eastern federal states and in Austria.

We buy and sell packaging waste such as paper, cardboard, cardboard boxes and plastics in Germany and Austria and have a wide range of suitable balers. The very basis of modern recycling.

Our raw material suppliers include manufacturers from all industries, wholesalers, retailers, logisticians, online stores, gas stations and catering businesses.

All our raw material suppliers benefit from the economic efficiency and logistical improvements compared to conventional disposal through individual consulting and the use of modern baling presses.

For detailed information please refer to the attached information brochure

Visit our homepage and "Become our supplier"

If we have aroused your interest in switching from disposal to marketing of your raw materials, we need the following information from you:

  • Type of raw material (e.g. cardboard, paper, cartons, PE films, EPS, PET)
  • Size and type of container?
  • Frequency of emptying?
  • or the concrete quantities


Service description 2

We see our job as helping companies turn their packaging waste into raw materials. Through simple separation and the use of baling presses, this is child's play. Economically and ecologically of the greatest advantage.

You get space and order in the warehouse and avoid unnecessary walking outside and transport material instead of air.

Service description 2

We purchase the raw material bales produced by means of a baler, take care of the logistics to the suitable processor and provide for the proceeds at the point of accrual.

We advise on the selection of a suitable baler and take care of procurement, financing and training.

Performance specification 3

Large volumes without significant weight are highly compressed and save a lot of unnecessary transport. Less traffic, less CO², less costs.

Recycling as it should be.


Reference project 1

Task at an automotive parts supplier:

Cost reduction, volume reduction of PE films. Saving of truck journeys

The company produces very large quantities of PE films (stretch and wrapping films, shrink hoods, etc.). These are collected in intermediate containers with a lot of manpower, then packed in 2.5 m³ bags and transported outside in containers.

The result was, a lot of walking by employees, high collection costs and many truck pick-ups because the containers were constantly full.


At the accumulation points the material in Verdichtingsständer collected, immediately in bags. The bags, depending on the need and filling, thrown directly into the individually selected and suitable baler.


1.) From 25 filled foil bags (ca.40 m³) a bale was pressed. Compaction over 90%

2.) Collection now takes place every 2-3 months

3.) Attractive payment for the bales by BEMA GmbH

4.) Walking distances and effort for the employees significantly reduced (all indoor)

5.) Savings of the truck journeys approx.(collections) 75%

Reference project 2

Task at a manufacturer/distributor of small computers in the leisure and fitness industry:

No more disassembly effort for cardboard boxes, savings when moving them outside, reduced workload for female employees.

The company made a lot of effort in disassembling and moving the cardboard boxes. The employees were constantly on their way outside to the container with their trolleys. The cardboard boxes had to be handled several times. Disassembling, intermediate container, main container.


Visual inspection of the situation. The appropriate press was set up indoors at the right place. The cardboard boxes are now thrown directly into the press without being disassembled . The machine does the rest.


1.) Constant running outside by the ladies is completely eliminated

2.) Dismantling with knives or trampling of the cardboard boxes is no longer necessary

3.) 12 trolleys /day with approx. 8-10 m³ result today in a bale of approx. 350 kg

4.) Hardly any logistic costs, attractive remuneration of the bales by BEMA GmbH

5.) No more heat loss due to constantly open hall doors in the cold season

6.) Savings of the truck journeys (collections) approx. 75%

Reference project 3

Task in a company of the LEH's:

Remove containers from the customer parking lot and delivery yard. Avoiding walking distances and disassembly work for the sales staff.

In the company there was always trouble because delivering trucks had no space to maneuver and unload. The sales and shelving personnel were always tied up with moving the cardboard boxes, after stocking the shelves.


Both space-consuming containers were saved. Immediately after filling the shelves, the accumulated material is thrown into a baling press, which is located in the warehouse directly at the door to the sales area. (Because of the small footprint, this is not a problem)


1.) Sales personnel are back on the sales floor much faster.

2.) Disassembly effort is completely eliminated.

3.) In the cold season, the door to the outside is not constantly opened (constant walking to the container)

4.) There is now sufficient space in the delivery yard for fast unloading. Unnecessary maneuvering is eliminated.

5.) All customer parking spaces are available even during delivery times.

6.) Saving of truck trips (pick-ups) at least 50%




BEMA GmbH Regionalbüro Rhein-Neckar-Odenwald

BEMA GmbH Regionalbüro Rhein-Neckar-Odenwald
Friedrich-Weinbrenner Str. 47
Regionalbüro Rhein-Neckar-Odenwald
69126 Heidelberg

BEMA GmbH Regionalbüro Rhein-Neckar-Odenwald is responsible for the content of this company profile as well as the compliance with the copyrights of the image material.